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I will like to partner with Wawa United of Minnesota to help continue to continue supporting the underprivileged primary schools in our society. My contact information and the level of partnership I have selected are detailed below.I will like to partner with Wawa United of Minnesota to help continue to continue supporting the underprivileged primary schools in our society. My contact information and the level of partnership I have selected are detailed below.

Dear sir/Madam,

Wawa United of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in Minnesota since 1997. Our purpose is to promote cultural, educational, and community development. Especially, the underprivileged primary schools in our society. We accomplish our purpose through supplying school materials that include desks, tables, chairs, writing materials to enhance the learning environment of these children. We help some other children pay their school fees. Over the years, we appreciate all our donors and partners that has helped this far.

We are writing this letter to solicit for your partnership to help us continue to achieve this purpose. You can see the things we do and/or are doing in our website We have various levels of Annual Partnerships and will appreciate if you can select to partner with us in one of the levels. You can complete this form to sign up for partnership. You can also donate directly to Wawa United of Minnesota through our website.

Please Click Below to Make Donations to Wawa United of Minnesota
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